Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm out!

I'm finally out of Generose! I got to eat real food and sleep in my own bed and wear clothes with strings and wear normal shoes and play with my dog and a;dkjfasdlkfjas!! I never ever want to go back there. It fucking sucks dude. fo sho. There's only one thing I miss about friends. It's so cool how fast you make friends there because of how easy it is to relate to each other. In the real world, it seems harder to find people that share the same problems as you. But there I made incredible friends who I wish I could see every day like I did there :( I don't miss the fact that they checked on you every fifteen minutes or the food or the uncomfortable bed or the yucky smelling bathroom. I don't miss any of that. :p I missed being homeeee(: I missed being able to text people and being able to listen to music and watch movies. adkfjasdfj.
I'm so glad to be home. :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

i fricken hate generose.


hey at least i'm not as bad as the people that have been here six times in one year. yessssssssssss. i win.

i get out (possibly) wednesday. :D