Friday, August 14, 2009


I kinda just want things to go back to how they were before. You know, where everyone in my family was happy, no one had trust issues, I didn't need to see a fricken therapist, that kind of stuff. But I know I can't change it. I've just gotta deal with what's happened.
I miss my sister :(
And I miss band....but luckily we have that tomorrow(:
ad;lkjfsadfkj still rather stressed about tuesday.
This is what I was told I have:
1. Mood disorder
2. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
3. Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood
4. Panic Disorder
5. Anxiety Disorder
6. Major Depression

Wow. I've got a lot of issues :/
but I'm learning to work through those issues in a healthy way.
No more S.I.
That stuff is in the past. I'm done hurting myself...punishing myself for things I may have no control over. That is stupid and I'm sick of living like that. I don't want to be a part of that lifestyle anymore.
I've got friends who I love and who love me to help me through.

I love you Cat, Hannah, Molly, and Nora. You guys are my closest, best friends. I love you guys. :)

<3 <3 <3
other than that, today I'm going to the ortho at 9:15 because I'm going to get that invisalign shitttt to straighten my gross looking teeth out. Supposedly the appointment will only take a half an hour. I sure hope so.
After that I believe I'm hanging out with Andrew.

I love you guys. Have a fabulousss day. :D
katie. (:

1 comment:

  1. heyy,
    i love you. i'm sorry that you're frustrated and sad. i wish i could make you feel better, and i'll do everything in my power to help you get through this. cuz we're a team.
    i love you <3
    ps: i don't think your teeth are gross looking (:
    you're beautiful :D
