Saturday, August 15, 2009

today was...stressful.

I had marching band, usually the thing that makes me the happiest, right? I guess things changed today? For the first time this season, I had a day at band that was reallystressful. I had a day at band that I felt like I was never gonna get through. I had one of those days. :/
I felt really bad because the expectation is that you come to rehearsals with a good attitude, no matter what kind of day you've been having or are having. Yet I couldn't shake off that feeling. The feeling that I was doing everything wrong and disappointing everybody. Apparently it was showing cause someone kept looking at me and then finally just asked, "are you okay? is everything going alright?" which I replied, "yes." Lie. But that's the thing. What am I supposed to say? I'm sad for no apparent reason? I'm stressed because of this person in the frontline section? I can't tell you those things. first of all, the whole "major depression" thing is kinda personal and I don't really wanna go around telling everyone that stuff. Second, if I told you why I was stressed, that'd be a little awkward. It'd kinda seem like gossiping. But that person, I tell ya, is making every day harder and harder.
I don't know how much more of it I can take. :/ In my opinion, it's like someone trying to quit smoking while standing in a room full of people smoking. Makes it hard, huh? How about trying to stop _ _ _ _ing when each and everyday you are forced to look straight on at someone whose arms are literally COVERED. Not because they really have a problem, but more because they do it so people care more about them. They do it for fun. And that makes my recovery longer, harder, and again, WAY more stressful. I don't know if I can do it at this rate.
I honestly came home ready to breakdown and cry. I'm just so sick of living with my stupid issues. And no, that does not mean I want to die. I just wanna be normal :/

"I'm not the one that you want, I'll only let you down.
And I'm pretty sure that you've caught on..."

"I think it's every time I walk into a room
a silence so sudden that I seem to hear it
(Smiles turn to frowns)
Contact saying that you are the rain on their parade."

i love my puppy. she can always make me happy(: isn't she cuuute? :D

asdljadslkfj. I'm in the mood to write a poem. definitely not feelin' so cheery at the moment.
Sorry to everyone reading's probably the last thing you'd want to read considering I'm not the happiest girl in the world.
I just had to get some stuff out. Like, badly. And so I did.

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